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Company Profile

Biota (n.): The living things of an area; the flora and fauna together.

Biota Environmental Sciences was founded in 2000 and has provided high quality environmental services for over 20 years.

The company was formed with the objective of improving environmental assessments beyond the standard and this philosophy continues to the present day.


We have a well founded and extensive scientific network, the members of which are all recognised as scientific authorities in their fields. The innovative and strategic thinking we foster has resulted in many improvements in approach and filled key knowledge gaps in the environmental impact assessment process.


Meet  the Biotans




As a company focused on remote area field work, safety is our first priority. 

The Australian environment is a challenging work setting, requiring sound risk assessment and thorough planning. We have consistently invested in this area, including mine-equipped 4WD vehicles, UHF and HF radios, satellite phones, tracking devices and emergency beacons.

Fitness for work is also important for field biology, and we actively promote and support a high standard of personal health amongst our team. Biota also employs a full-time health and safety advisor to manage and develop our safety processes.

We are proud to stand on our safety record at Biota, with our systems and procedures having passed multiple external audits from the most stringent industry clients, including Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Chevron Australia.




Biota's commitment to the environment goes beyond animal ethics and biodiversity conservation. We build a range of activities into our business in the office and the field to reduce our negative impacts and contribute to sustainability.

Examples of how we incorporate this ethos at Biota include:


Recycling - a focus on recycling and composting of organic waste generated in the office with Bokashi

Rechargeable batteries - high-tech fauna monitoring devices previously used significant quantities of batteries, this has been dramatically reduced through the use of rechargeable batteries and devices

Recycled products - 100% recycled paper used within the office and for company reports and stationery. Our reports are supplied digitally by default

Water conservation - promotion of water saving measures throughout the office

Consumables - inventory management throughout the office, workshop and vehicles to reduce consumption, such as re-using equipment and recycling at end of life

Commuting - office premises located with high walkability to public transport and services


©  Biota Environmental Sciences Pty Ltd  2020

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