Terrestrial Fauna Surveys
Biota’s zoologists have completed hundreds of terrestrial fauna surveys in all regions of Western Australia, with particular expertise in the Pilbara, Kimberley and Southwest of the state.
Our experienced zoological team can deliver the full range of fauna assessments to a high technical standard, from large-scale Level 2 systematic surveys to targeted threatened fauna surveys and desktop reviews. This includes specialist research and monitoring on specially protected fauna including populations of endangered bats and ground mammals.

Short Range Endemic Fauna Surveys
The assessment of Short Range Endemics (SREs) is a central component of contemporary environmental impact assessment and has been a long-term focus of studies conducted by Biota. Examples of animals that show high levels of short-range endemism include trapdoor spiders, land snails, pseudoscorpions and millipedes.
Our expertise in SRE fauna has allowed us to contribute to EPA policy, and to achieve the best scientific outcomes for clients, regulators and the environment. Our zoologists have collaborated on scientific publications and supported Australian Research Council linke grants investigating SRE taxa, demonstrating industry leadership in assessing conservation values in this field.

Subterranean Fauna Surveys
Subterranean fauna are animals that have become completely adapted to life undergound. Stygofauna are aquatic animals living in the groundwater, while troglofauna occur in cavities between the water table and the surface. Biota has worked on this fauna longer than any other consultancy in Western Australia and we are well recognised for our expertise this area.
We have extensive experience in conducting surveys, risk assessments, and impact assessments, encompassing dozens of stygofauna and troglofauna surveys. This includes the highest profile assessments of this fauna considered by the EPA. Through these projects we have fostered a scientific network with researchers both within the state and nationally.

Migratory Shorebird Surveys
Western Australia includes several sites of international significance to migratory shorebirds, with enormous numbers of some species visiting the state during the northern hemisphere winter. As such species are protected under international agreements, potential impacts on migratory shorebirds is a Matter of National Environmental Significance under Commonwealth legislation.
Biota's team includes zoologists with specialist expertise in migratory shorebirds surveys who are well recognised in ornithological organisations. We can provide comprehensive shorebird surveys meeting policy guidance, and set their findings into appropriate wider context.